Welcome to Vygieshof
Vygieshof is a state-subsidised residential care home in Calitzdorp in the Little Karoo. We provide housing and care for up to 60 residents, most of whom require a high level of frail care. We strive to give elderly and disabled people a happy home with the care they need, with our focus being on the maintenance and improvement of quality of life.

On this page…
Vygieshof offers two different kinds of accommodation. Residents requiring frail care are accommodated in the Home itself, and self reliant elderly residents occupy the Independent Flats.
Rooms and Services in the Home
- basic furniture
- special equipment if necessary
- three meals daily
- daily cleaning service
- shared bathroom
- with/without washbasin
- tea/coffee four times daily
- daily laundry service
- single or double
- frail care services
- sandwiches twice a day
- weekly doctor’s clinic

Frail care for residents in the home includes:
- washing/bathing
- shaving
- dressing
- using the toilet
- nail care
- nose gastric feeding
- weekly doctor’s clinic
- diapers
- catheters
- dental hygiene
- hair care
- eating
- mobility
- administration of prescribed medicine

Independent Flats
Residents in the flats are self-reliant and do not receive frail care. Lunch is provided for residents in the flats and they have access to a weekly cleaning and laundry service. The flats are unfurnished so residents need to provide their own furniture.

We offer a variety of recreation options including bingo and other games, singing, and handcrafts like needlework and knitting. Subject to Covid regulations, there are also opportunities for local outings and shopping trips to Oudtshoorn.
A specific daily activity program is followed for frail residents in the Sick Bay. This program includes spiritual activities, singing and music, exercises, educational games, sensory stimulation, outdoor time and massage.
Church representatives visit the Home each week to hold church services and lead prayer meetings. Attendance is voluntary and all are welcome.

The monthly cost for residence in the home is currently R6900. This tariff includes accommodation in the Home, water and electricity, all meals and snacks, a laundry and cleaning service and full geriatric/frail care.
People with an income of less than R2399 per month may receive a subsidy from the Department of Social Development, depending on the degree of frail care needed.
Self reliant elderly people are accommodated in 7 bachelor flats and 4 one bedroom flats on the premises. The monthly rent for a bachelor flat is R4490 and the rent for single bedroom flats is R5000 per month for one person. The monthly rent for couples is R7500. The rent for flats includes unfurnished accommodation, water, electricity, lunch daily, and a weekly laundry and cleaning service. Residents in the flats do not receive geriatric or health care. People who receive a SASSA grant may qualify for a subsidy of R389 per month.
Rooms in the Home | Independent Flats | |
Furnishings | Basic furniture | Unfurnished |
Meals | Three meals per day | Lunch |
Tea/coffee | Four times per day | —– |
Sandwiches | Twice per day | —– |
Healthcare | Frail care services | —– |
Cleaning service | Daily | Weekly |
Laundry service | Daily | Weekly |
Monthly tariff | R6400 | R3900-R4400 |
The large number of elderly people needing frail care means that Vygieshof has a waiting list for accommodation in both the main Home and the Flats. We therefore encourage potential residents to apply as soon as possible.
The allocation of accommodation depends on availability and on the level of frail care needed by a resident. Most residents occupy single or double rooms, with 7 bachelor flats and 4 one bedroom flats occupied by independent residents.
The Application Process
A completed application form, with doctor’s report, social workers’s report and financial declarations, is submitted to Vygieshof in person or by email.
Vygieshof collects all complete application forms received and keeps them until a vacancy arises.
The application forms are then assessed by both Vygieshof and the Department of Social Development.
Based on the assessments and the nature of the vacancy, the most suitable candidate is offered a place in Vygieshof.
The Application Forms
Application forms can be collected in person from Vygieshof, Andries Pretorius Street, Calitzdorp, during office hours (8am-5pm Monday to Friday) or downloaded and printed.
Application forms can be returned in person to Vygieshof during office hours or scanned and emailed to vygieshofczd@gmail.com.
Please note that the application forms must be completed in full. An incomplete application cannot be considered. Please contact us by phone or email if you have any questions about completing the form.
The Doctor’s Report
All applicants for residence in Vygieshof need to undergo a medical examination and obtain a Doctor’s Report. This report must be submitted together with the application form and other supporting documents.